Up on the Andes Mountains in Colombia, we found several microclimates, this, at that time favoured the Country to have many local sativas that adapted over the years obtaining great diversity and with this climatic diversity creating unique plants. To the South of Colombia, crossing the Andes mountain range, we could find there are large extensions of crops belonging to local peasants who used to live off the planting of local Colombian sativas, from the Amazon Putumayo, Vaupés, Nariño, Guaviare to Cauca and Huila; In each of these departments, the cultivation of resistant local sativas was very common due to its poor soil since they were difficult to intercept; some were in the middle of the jungle, they were 100% sativa crops ultra resistant to pests, diseases and fungi; these were guarded by groups outside the law such as the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) EPL (People’s Liberation Army) BACRIM (Criminal gangs outside the law) by this time public order in Colombia was governed by these groups and by narco terrorism where massacres and attacks were perpetuated throughout the national territory. The South is and has been a refuge for these subversive groups due to the complexity on the ground for the authorities to arrive there.

In the 60’s 70’s 80’s the local Colombian Sativa flowers from the South of the country used to be transported on horses to the main tributaries and main rivers of the country, one of them, the Atrato River that connects with the Gulf of Urabá, from there they would be distributed throughout the national territory especially to the North and central coast of the country (there were other sativas too but those from the South were the most sought after by the people), from the Gulf of Urabá horse even these days horse or donkey riding is still used today but for the transport of other drugs, mainly cocaine. Since the 60’s and the 70’s too, the sativa flowers were also transported in high-quality food trucks, thus being distributed to all corners of the country.
Cannabis from the South was always appreciated and acclaimed by everyone, people from the interior of the country of Cundinamarca from the capital in Bogotá, from Tunja, always yearned for the flowers of Sativa coming from Corinto, or the sativa from Cominera in the department of Cauca, Mango Biche from San Agustín in the department of Huila, from inland, sativas from Cauca in the South-West, sativas form the Amazon, Sativa from Putumayo in the south west, sativa from Guaviare, Sativa from the Choco. There were always talks on the Mango Biche, on the Corinto, on the Cominera, on the Mono Rojo, Punto Rojo displaying red pistils, Golden sativa Punto Rojo (Punto Rojo dorado), sativa Punto Rojo Scorpion (Punto Rojo Escoprion), they were all still called Colombian landraces till 2000, till 20 years ago. The most common among them were the Punto Rojo, Mango Biche and Corinto but in reality there were many many more with beautiful qualities and characteristics.

Some Mango Biche from San Agustín that were cultivated in the department of Putumayo or the department Guaviare continued to have the characteristics in their aroma, there were variabilities in the structure, for example, the Mango Biche from San Agustín, Nataga and nearby towns grow with shorter internodal spaces and leaves are slightly wider than the sativa Mango Biche that comes from the Guaviare and Putumayo regions which are more spiky and with leaves displaying thinner leaflets, the flowers give off stronger and more fragrant terpenes. The flowers arrived at the capital pressed and it was difficult to differentiate between them and their origin, for the connoisseurs and smokers of that time a Punto Rojo from the interior or a Mango Biche from San Augustin were unmistakeable since they had very sticky flowers and with a very powerful and psychoactive effect, their aromas in the air was unique, and unmistakable, some has a very characteristic smell of incense, the sativas from southern Colombia are very special and excellent tools for breeding new genetics due to their great diversity and resistance to difficult and extreme conditions.
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