Genetics: Pure Iranian Landrace
Sourced by: The Landrace Team
Latitude: 32°N
Altitude: 1300 m.a.s.l
Height: 2 – 2.5 metres
Sowing: March/April
Harvest: September and October in South Khorasan
Aromas: minty, musky, hashy, sweet pomegranate.
Effects: strong head high first, then relaxing, social, calming
Characteristics: compact, dense, resinous, bushy, vigorous, resilient. High yielding
Grow type: outdoor, greenhouse. Indoors
Locals call is Zard Bang. Zard means yellow and bang means plants and the hash that comes from it. The reaosn being they turn a nice golden yellow in the fields.
These are the plants from where locals produce the real majoun. Very potent. If you eat only two pieces you’ll be knocked out on the floor. You have to be friends with locals that produce it to get the good stuff. They make oil from the weed and the oil goes in it. The oil has to sit in the sun for few days. This is also used for back pain. Locals use it for many things. They also make a type without hash oil. Instead they put cannabis seed oil for those who don’t like the strong effects.
For people who don’t want to get high but want the medical properties. We really think there is something special about the cannabis here in this area in South Khorasan. It’s one of the only places in Iran where people only grow local seeds that they have been cultivating for very many years.. Since it’s so far off from bigger cities people know nothing about hybrid seeds. Locals use olive oil as exctraction medium for the cannabis. It’s healthier.
These plants withstand high heat without problems. Also withstand cold temperatures since the desert here gets very cold at night especially in the fall. The plant in the garden photos was only topped one time. No other training was done and it opened up really well. We are sure that with a good training these plants would blow up. It also wasn’t given anything but some cow manure. It’s a high yielding plant.